Congratulations on your new little family member. I am so tickled for you....
just stopped by to let you know that we now have grandchild #4, two weeks early.
our second grandson, nicholas keith, born jan. 10th in lexington, kentucky, at 12:44pm, weighing 7 lbs.
15oz., and 21 inches, with very light brown hair.. needless to say, we can't wait to see him!
Congratulations on your new little family member. I am so tickled for you....
i have a friend named frannie.
through her marvelous sense of humour and wonderful praise, empathy and compassion, she has helped a great many xjw's find their way.
tomorrow is her birthday, and even though ya don't know her, it would be greatly appreciated if maybe you could drop her a card and wish her happy birthday.
I have a friend named Frannie. Through her marvelous sense of humour and wonderful praise, empathy and compassion, she has helped a great many XJW's find their way. Tomorrow is her birthday, and even though ya don't know her, it would be greatly appreciated if maybe you could drop her a card and wish her Happy Birthday. Thanks ya'll .. so much. Her email is [email protected].
Country Girl
after leaving chat last night, i was in bed snuggled next to thunderrider thinking.
one of the group had been doing blurbs of kingdom songs, i don't remember any songs, or any scriptures or hardly any names of the books, i don't remember quotes from the stage or comments made by others.
have any of you ever felt this way?
Don't feel bad. I've been out of the Witnesses for twenty years now and can barely remember songs, doctrine, scriptures, etc. I think I blocked a lot of it out because it was so painful andboring. Course, that was my WHOLE childhood, but that's okay.. Im not sure I wanna remember it anyways.
this is really bothering me, and i have a need to vent.
is it normal for grandparents to not take an active interest in their grandchildren?
my mother is still a dub, and i faded away about seven years ago.
Id doesn't mean she's cold or even that she hates your kids. It just means that she does't want to watch your children. I know we all *love* that old ideal where our grandparents were glad to see us, showed us great kindness and love, and were oh so tolerant. I have to admit, all grandparents are not like that, nor should they be expected to be. I will be *so happy* to be a grandparent, and will gladly take my son's kids whenever he has em. But there are people that are NOT happy to be Grandparents, per se. It's not their fault.
I myself never wanted children. I hated them. I was made to raise five brothers while I was in the JW's. My Mother didn't particularly like children, but she liked babies. So, while she kept on having babies, and liked them til they were two, she'd pass em on to me to raise afterwards.
The only reason I have a son is because it was an accident. I got used to it.. and actually was a good Mother. I can't say I ever wanted to do it again.. nor have I had the desire to do it sinc, and I do understand those who think babies are not cute, nor are they obligated to babysit or cuddle them just because they are related. It'd be NICE, but that's not always the way it is. Would you wanna leave your kids with someone that isn't as fascinated with them as you are?
if i am not mistaken then about forty years ago there was a study article in wt, which quite clearly stated that a mature christian should not dance with anybody else than ones spouse.
somehow i remember that the article gave an example of a couple visiting another couple and let's say the male host would grab the female visitor and lean on her going together circles for few minutes.
then the article went on asking what the visiting male would feel in this situation and what diffrence music would make?
The Greek brothers and sisters in Denver, Colorado were *always* dancing at weddings. It was an important part of our culture. Even the English congregations had "dance parties" for the young ones. Of course, that was back in the early 80's.. don't know what's goin on now.
In fact, one of the "annointed" owned a Greek restaurant called the "Greek Village", which was in Littleton, same place as COLUMBINE, and our whole family, even my unbaptized Greek Father, would go down there and dance Greek line dances. For some cultures, dancing is an inherent part of celebrations: birthdays, anniversaries, weddings.. or just whatever. It's not unusual for a pile of Greek men sitting at an outdoor table outside of a restaurant or outdoor cafe.. one starts singing and the rest of them get up and dance. It's an exuberance oflife.. a celebration of life...
Edited by - country girl on 13 January 2003 16:39:58
this is country girl and i am inviting you to come to our hasty retreat decompression session from march 13 -18. this there are eight places in the house for people to sleep, tere is also lots of space to sleep on airbeds in the house.
this is a women only retreat.
if you would like to attend, you are most welcome.
Hiya.... Just another reminder that the Hasty Retreat Decompression Session is still going to happen March 13-17. We have about 4 confirmations, so that leaves about 4 openings. If you'd like to come, please write to [email protected].
it sure would be appreciated of ya'll if you culd wish my friend frannie a happy birthday.
she is not on, but she has been a big help on helping xjw's out, and i just want her to know how appreciated she is.
if you could, you can send a card or a birthday greeting to: [email protected].
It sure would be appreciated of ya'll if you culd wish my friend Frannie a happy birthday. She is not on, but she has been a BIG HELP on helping XJW's out, and I just want her to know how appreciated she is. If you could, you can send a card or a birthday greeting to: [email protected]. She is the greatest.
Love all
country girl
i started a detox diet a couple of days ago.
i'm having headaches, (that i believe pass over a short period of time).. anybody else detoxing at the moment?.
anybody got any experience of detoxing?
When I did my last detox (it's been ages ago), my first day was one meal and the other two meals were fruits and juices. The second day I did the colon cleanse, and did the fruit juices, water, dry brushing, and resting. The third day, one meal was regular, the other two were fruit juices. Doing this once a month seems to keep the system clean. The headaches you are experiencing is your system unloading the toxins. They will pass! I always felt better after a cleanse, but you know it's different for each person. Some people think it's just silly.. but I definitely have felt it's beneficial effects, and that's just speaking for me.
Country Girl
i can't believe no one has commented on this yet.
illinois governor george ryan cleared out death row.,2933,75170,00.html
I pretty much made up my mind long ago that the death penalty was too kind for some persons of questionable humanity who perpetrated some of the most heinous acts imaginable upon innocent victims. However, with the "discovery" (and I believe we all know at some deeper level that it happens) in recent times of innocent individuals sitting on Death Row, being acquitted with DNA evidence, it just made me question my long held belief! What a waste of human life! All of Society's floudering around about the humanity/inhumanity of the death penalty will never return to these men and women the years missed with their families, opportunities opened up, etc. Nor will it return life to those executed, when innocent. In these cases, the state has blood on its own hands.
I think the Illinois governor did what he had to do. He didn't have much time, and he didn't want one more person to die or serve even one more day being innocent. He wanted to give those who may have not had enough time before his term ended, the opportunity to be found guilty or innocent by way of DNA technology. Sometimes it takes just such a broad sweep of a free man's hand to bring to boil an issue that has simmered for an unendurable amount of time. To bring everyone to sit up and take notice of a wrong that cannot be righted once there is no breath of life.
I am still for the death penalty, don't get me wrong. I believe that the death penalty is the ONLY justice that can be exacted when a crime is so despicable and atrocious that it goes beyond our normal comprehension of evil. However, until there is a sure-fire way of providing a guarantee that it is being carried out for those it is meant for, I cannot as a human being honor its merits. Until there is just such a way, I believe we just have to settle for the next best thing: lifetime incarceration.
However, I think the governor's move brings this back-burner issue to the frontline and begs all of us to dissect and determine just what inaction/action we will take to settle this matter once and for all.
Country Girl
Edited by - country girl on 13 January 2003 9:16:53
the feb. 15, 2003 wt.
has an article entitled, life in a refugee camp.
the whole article praises the unhcr, which is the united nations high commissioner of refugees.
Maybe it's an insidious attempt at eventually getting the rank and file to look favorably upon the United Nations, and eventually eradicating the "old light"? In this way, over a long period of time, they could join the UN openly without alarming the R&F. Just an idea.
Country Girl